Mobility vs Stability: What’s the Difference?
After a few weeks of training with me, you'll hear me in your sleep saying "drive your feet into the ground", in addition to "shoulders down". No one ever thinks about their feet, let alone actively pushing them down into the ground. So why then do I say it so often?...

Levers IN Your Body
Today we're going to talk about levers. I know, I know, you're probably tired of sciencey stuff, but this might make you look at human movement a bit differently. Our bodies are incredibly efficient and designed for optimal performance. It's what we do to them that...

Newton’s Laws of Physics
I want to talk about physics today. I know, I know . . . this isn't a science class. HOWEVER, we use physics every day. When you're working out you're using more physics than you think. I want to talk about Newton's Laws of Motion and then tie it all together and talk...

Making Time to Exercise with ANY Schedule
I believe that every human can exercise. I don’t believe that every human necessarily wants to or has a current lifestyle that affords the time. Again, I believe every human CAN exercise. How can that be? We need to make it a priority. We need to schedule it. We need...

Doing Work & Building Power
The technical definition of work is the product of moving something a distance by exerting a force. My version - how much "umph" you put into something. Let's talk about work as it pertains to your workouts. (no pun intended). Since work is the product of a...

How Do You Get Strong?
"Wow, you're so strong." I know you've heard that before! 🙂 Besides the obvious (you seriously impressed someone), what does it mean to be strong? There are many meanings to being strong (i.e. inner strength, personal strength, financial strength, muscle strength,...

Stick to it!
Have you ever started something new and didn't stick with it? Then you tried again, but with a friend and it worked that time? That friend was your accountability buddy - the one who helped you do what you said you were going to do. In college I had a friend who...

Movement vs. Exercise: What’s the Difference?
In class we use a few words that I want to differentiate: movement vs exercise. Some people use them interchangeably, but they're actually different. Let me explain each. A movementis an action that your body does. There are seven primary movement patterns:...

Resilience: How to Build it
Ever wonder why some people seem to bounce back from a struggle or challenge and others don't do it so well? Why some people have more "fight" in them than others? Or, how some always seem to make lemonade from lemons - even if the lemons are rotten?! This is called...

Exercise & Peri-Menopause
Let's talk about how exercise can help the symptoms of perimenopause: hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, brain fog, bone loss, etc. It can! Not all people respond the same to changes in their hormones and not all people respond the same to exercise so this is...