I believe that every human can exercise. I don’t believe that every human necessarily wants to or has a current lifestyle that affords the time. Again, I believe every human CAN exercise. How can that be? We need to make it a priority. We need to schedule it. We need to value it as part of a regular routine. It’s possible, I promise.

A common barrier to exercise is time: not enough of it. Well, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. We just have to use our time more effectively. I know what you’re thinking . . . you legitimately DON’T have enough time in the day to go to the gym or exercise. Your day is scheduled from the time you get up until the time you crash into bed. I totally get that. Let me offer you an option to consider.

Time is a finite quality. We can’t make more of it. We can only use it differently. Anything we want to do in a day has to be part of the day’s plan, right? I mean, most of us are run by our calendars and schedules so let’s MAKE the schedule work FOR us – not against us.

What if we carved out as little as 10-minutes to do some activity? Squats, lunges, planks, high knees – something. It’s not rocket science and doesn’t have to be complicated nor does it need to be in a gym. You can effectively exercise any where you want to! Now how do we carve out those 10 minutes? We change something in our existing schedule. It might mean getting up 10 minutes earlier, using 10 minutes of lunch break, moving for 10 minutes in the parking lot or field at your kid’s sports practice (maybe other parents would want to join you!), or doing a quick 10-minute workout before you hop in the shower at night. The point is to make 10-minutes possible in your day.

Everyone has a different schedule and different life demands so everyone’s schedule will be different. How you make your 10-minutes in your day will be different than someone else. I’m a morning person so getting up earlier is my option. I’ve tried working out at the end of my day and I don’t feel like it. I “could” do it then, but I don’t feel like it. The 10-minutes has to work for you on every level – physically, emotionally, logistically. Look at your schedule and make 10-minutes available somewhere. You will start to feel better and you might just realize that you feel so great that you want 30 minutes available to exercise! Am I pushing it here? LOL.

Make the time. Prioritize YOU on your schedule. Move your body.