I am who I am and this is me. No hiding. No pretending. No made up stories.
  • I eat ice cream.
  • I love my workouts.
  • I say no to things that don’t align with where I am right now.
  • I sleep in one day per week.
  • I don’t like to be dirty.
  • Bugs freak me out.
  • I have strong values & won’t budge on them.
  • I’m learning to say “yes” to myself more often.
  • I eat dark chocolate chips right out of my freezer.
  • I give whole heartedly until it becomes an expectation – then I quit.
  • I thrive on words of affirmation and appreciation.
  • I love to build things.
  • I burp & have stomach pains after eating brussel sprouts.
  • I cry easily at anything emotionally touching.
All that and I used to be able to bench press 205 pounds when I was 19 years old! HAHA, just joking! Yes, I benched that, but it’s not so tough & I can’t do it today. 
The reason why I tell you all that stuff is because I’m just me. Who you see is who I am – flaws & strengths. I won’t hide behind a different persona to fit in or get people to like me or to get more clients. Being me, all the time, is important to me. I value integrity; doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It’s also making sure that the things I say and do are in alignment with each other.
Recently someone was shocked that I ate ice cream. Hmm, why wouldn’t I? Because I’m into health and am “supposed” to be perfect all the time and only eat super healthy all the time? I don’t think so! Again, I’m human and I like ice cream! Anyhow, a friend from college bought me a koozie for my pint of ice cream. The person couldn’t understand why I would need a koozie. “So my ice cream doesn’t melt.” I then had to explain that I eat the pint in one sitting! That person nearly had a heart attack and her mouth dropped open – “you eat the whole thing?” I sure do! 
When clients talk to me about nutrition they usually think they have to limit everything that they enjoy. That’s sabotage for an unhealthy relationship with food! Joy is a part of life. Of course moderation is key, but not eating things you enjoy is self destructive to any long term healthy lifestyle. I wouldn’t advise anyone to do something that I wouldn’t do myself. Meaning, I wouldn’t tell you the only option to lose weight is to eat 100% clean all the time while I eat ice cream at night. My words and actions wouldn’t line up.
Integrity is a personal core value that transfers to my business. Last week I posted a picture on Instagram of me doing a kneeling around the world. Another professional in the field (whom I truly respect)
sent me a message and corrected me because I was doing it wrong. When my clients did it in class the following day, I told them that I did it wrong the other day and we were going to now do it right. When I am wrong, I will admit it and correct it. I could have not said anything and let them think I know everything, but I DON’T know everything. 🙂 I’m always learning.
Right now I’m at a point of peace and restoration in my life. My marriage wasn’t good for the past few years and I’m getting my head and heart back together. I’ve said no to social invites on weekends because weekends are my time for me. I don’t do anything wild, I literally just chill. I sit. I watch NCIS reruns and I laugh and play with Olaf my dog. I laugh so hard sometimes I pee my pants! (I know, TMI, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who has done this!) My neighbors must think I’m on drugs running around the yard with him! It’s so freeing and fun and I’m taking it all in! Olaf and I are both teaching each other what unconditional love feels like. This is me honoring what my soul needs right now. I know you might have things going on in you life where you need space/time also. Life gets sticky sometimes. What does all this have to do with integrity?
Integrity means I’m living & modeling a life that I believe in; real, flawed, honest, ethical, generous, kind, trustworthy, respectful, & compassionate. I’m choosing to practice my core values and live a life that demonstrates that. You are my people and I value you & your impact in my life (whether you know you have an impact or not – you do!). You’ve supported me through all my personal and professional changes and given me space to grow. Thank you. I want everyone in this 30MoE community to feel valued, heard, supported, and loved for who they are and to feel free to be who you are. Your life is your life & I want you all to enjoy it to the fullest. May you model your real, flawed, authentic self to others so they can feel supported and loved as well. 🙂
FYI – I don’t eat a pint of ice cream every night! I do eat it once/month! My favorite flavor is chocolate peanut butter. Yumm!