Often you will hear me say “tighten your core” or “tuck your butt under”.  That’s my version of BRACING. It all means the same thing: aligning your spine and the rest of your body so that you can create a strong foundation from which to...


Last session someone in class came to the realization that everything is a plank! When you think about it – everything IS a plank. Rather, some version of a plank! When we do the plank in class I am picky about your form because the basic foundation needs to be...


Throughout a day we have many conversations. Do you ever leave a conversation wondering what the point was or if the person really understood what you were saying? Do you ever talk to someone who won’t look you in the eye or try to talk to someone who is facing...


No, not the plane that flies overhead, but planes of MOTION. The body is broken down into sections of movement by imaginary lines. Yes, imaginary because we can’t see them, but totally real because we can use all three! Bear with me as I explain what they are...

30MoE Healthy Activity

We had this past week off from 30MoE so I challenged people to take a picture of themselves wearing their 30MoE gear while doing something healthy. They did great!! This is what they posted on our Facebook page!! Thank you to ALL of you for showing off your 30MoE gear...