While you’re in an exercise class, the instructor usually does all the thinking for you.  Well, most of it anyway.  You DO have to think while you’re doing the exercises, but the programs are already made for you. You can just come and work your butt off and enjoy the class! However, if you want to/need to exercise more days of the week than you currently are (because you’re supposed to exercise 5 days/week), you can make your own workout.
You CAN do it! Be creative. You can start by making a list of ALL the exercises you know how to do. Put them into categories based on “upper body”, “lower body”, “core”, etc.  Watch a few videos on YouTube, find more how to make your own exercise circuitexercises, and add them to your list.  Now you have a “library” of exercises you can choose from. If you have participated in my 30 Minutes of Everything® program, you have several past emails with a plethora of “ready made” circuits as well as an assortment of exercises described. Based on what you want to accomplish that day, pick 3-5 exercises and make your circuit.  You can choose your time interval, 15sec, 30sec, 45sec, or 60sec, then repeat the entire circuit 3-4 times. If you really love your circuit, share it with me.  I’m happy to add it to the “roster” for class!